Friday 28 November 2008

The Other Side

I saw the side, you know,
the one you hid so carefully under the dead leaves of autumn.
The leaves that changed as the air turned cold and
your expression shifted.
Then. So suddenly they were blown away exposing
the dusty ugly truth that you were not one but two...

The light i was attracted to was actually a dull glow
a shadow of kindness departed from it's real form
wandering lost, offering itself only, not for what it would give
but... what it could receive in return.

As weather changes, so too do you and mislead
today your friend, tomorrow a bad seed
planted to grow a maze between us in which
I am constant but yet constantly confused as to why I am where you are?
Why your face so pink and dear could make my heart sink in fear.

It is half you five, half of which i receive
Each time worth less as you lose your sparkle and begin to see who you really are.