Tuesday 11 August 2009

The lady is actually a Dude? or Is she?

I recently discovered to my shock and disbelief that our dear Lady of pop (in all her eccentricity) is in actually fact a Gentleman of pop. It is rumoured that Lady Gaga not only has female genitals but also a peener. I really don't understand why I made a big deal out of it. She's an hermaphrodite pure and simple. It made me reflective on how we are so afraid of different.

I couldn't care less what gender Lady Gaga is. She is an entertainer, a trend setter with a growing fan base and she's gutsy in her self portrayal. She has brought out the weird in everyone and they love her for it. So why be shocked? Why are so many people repulsed. I was more surprised than repulsed because I certainly didn't see that coming.

I realise that even now, after all the melange and vibrance of the human race, in colour, religion, culture and sexual orientation, we are still afraid of different. It conflicts with what our brain is accustomed to and it makes us question everything. Human being love stability. They want to know what something is and where it fits in. In a way this is easily explained by how the brain processes information. You have mere seconds to analyze the world around you and sort out what is a threat and what is not. In this short space of time, we put information into boxes; more adequately called stereotypes. This is a man, this is a woman. This is a police officer and his job is to protect; Thus safe. 
It is not necessarily the wisest form of information processing but if we had to process every iota of evidence we encounter daily it would cause information overload. 

As a society, we have slowly learnt to ensure those stereotypes are ephemeral and eventually subject to scrutiny, once we have time to process further information on the situation. Perhaps this has aided in changed attitudes on race, religion and sexual orientation; which has come a long way from the dark ages where it was banished to the realms of sin and condemnation. Now, we are more open to different and we are more welcoming of the strange.

Unfortunately the fear still remains, though we try to fight it. Hence why we show shock and exclaim in unbelief. I am as guilty of this as anyone. We have a long way to go as a society before we can turn away from those critical and hurtful comments. At the end of the day we are God's children, created in his own image.

So to lady Gaga, who is unashamed and unconcerned by public opinion, I am in awe. You are teaching us a lesson in acceptance. Most of you have shown us that every one of God's creatures is beautiful. Who are we to judge.

1 comment:

Miss M said...

If Lady Gaga actually proves to be a hermaphrodite I will be impressed with her blasé attitude about how the world perceives that bit of information. However her manager has denied the rumour, and from what I gather Lady Gaga is staying true to her stage persona and leaving it up in the air, and making cheeky remarks because it garners her more attention. (And as we all know, she’s a fame addict).

It is unfortunate that people catalogue everyone into either “normal” or “the other” categories. If she is an intersexed individual she could do a lot of good for the community. In the end her publicity stunt could be doing it more harm.

If you’re interested in the subject, definitely Google some documentaries about children who were born with both genitals. There’s a lengthy discussion on how their parents basically had to assign them a gender.