Friday 11 January 2008

Don't dream it's over....

Many of us are cursed with a lack of destiny, not because we are not given one but because we are simply unable to identify it, to see it with such a vivid insight that it literally sets us alight when we ponder on it.

we all have dreams. She has dreams.

Birdy wakes up in the morning and for a spilt second opportunity seems to be knocking on her door. A fresh chance to do something extraordinary but by 9.15 she is disappointed. It's back to the slow pacing day, crawling with its zimmer frame until tiredness engulfs her and she is left wanting the inoculation of sleep. She use to have ambition.
It was ambition that brought her this far, not that of greed, pride or the basic sins of modern ambition but an ambition of the heart, of the soul, of a person seeking to find his or her place in the world. Seeking to make a mark on the world whether it is a small one; to be able to say 'I was here!'. It's was almost like the path taken by Santiago in the Alchemist. It was his quest for greater things that thrusted him for the mountains of spain into a whole new world where he was discovering himself.

Yet Birdy doesn't feel that she has the soul of santiago, his drive or his perserverance. The daily grind is what moves her as she has ceased to move by her own will. These are days of cancellation and slowly dripping minutes filled with a dozen realities.

Some find them in games and others tv shows. Whatever your poison, her's is the screen. A little device to take away the sting of reality, the 'i don't know what to dos'. It's a non reality for an hour but sometimes it reaches 5 episodes of non reality where the truth can be kept at bay until one is well equiped to deal with it; whenever that may be...

That's one thing they don't teach at school. Reality. They don't tell you you aren't going get the manual or the tools to cope. you just gotta it. I guess.
It's like she walks on clouds as she leaves the house...everything in slow motion like one of those bad movies. She jumps into another reality. Music. The words and the rhythm envelope her in a daydream where she chooses to remain as the alternative seems too sharp and poignant to be faced alone.
She is concerned; very concerned about her state of reality. Wouldn't you?
It's one thing to stay in this world, it's another thing to actually know and be aware you are in the world and still do nothing but drift and let it carry you into .....well lethargy.

Lethargy is killing her ambition and it is slowly suffocating her dreams....

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