Monday 14 April 2008

Tears dry on their own...

it was a private moment, silence except for the little sound that the mouth made trying its hardest the keep the scream inside. To all who passed by it was probably nothing except for the stream of tears that ran down my cheeks which i silently wiped away. these moments are when for a few minutes strength fail me and i guess also people. a time when mole hills upon mole hills eventually accumulate into that mountain that shall not be moved and through all my frustration i am forced to sob!

there will be no one there to wipe those tears and as history has it, they have always dried on their own and will continue too. People have their friends for moments like these. a hug, a kiss and a comforting word. Others have family and draw strength from that. however there are the few 'exiles from happiness' who can only feel these comforts in stories. For all they've ever known is to fight. to fight for survival, to fight for acceptance - not just from the world but from those close to them who claim status of beloved ones; to fight to be treated well, to not be vulnerable, to have a future, to have a say, to fight for happiness and all that comes with it. Though there comes a time when one can fight no more and that crucial moment the rain comes and tears break free from the cloud because at some point in our lives we need release.

we are after all humans - bones, flesh and blood. easily broken and sometimes repaired. we fall and we fall further but we get up or at least that's the theory. it seems that i've had reason to experience this discomfortunate moment when life and pain collides and it's wake misery. there is no one there to dry my tears because one must book an appointment for comfort. One must be quiet because your youth disenfranchises you from 'the take me seriously' vote. what more because those who share they love you draw up small prints and remind you of it from time to time.

what i am left with are tears, lots of it and with no one to wipe them away....

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