Saturday 18 October 2008


Humans go through great lengths to prove that they are no longer a primitive and uncivilized species but instead cultured, disciplined and higher intellectual beings. However it seems to me that social norms, technology, attires, our relationships present a completely different pictures from that which we are determined to paint.

We show ourselves as altruistic but deep down isn't this just another way of making ourselves feel better. We help people cause it makes us feel good that they feel good and at the end the goal is our own contentment. We have social norms that build boundaries as to what we should or shouldn't do in terms of etiquette and relating to another human being. Though this is yet another way the stronger keep the weaker weak.
Aren't these social norms merely a codification of what is instinctive for us. Darwin's so called 'the fittest survives', is no different now than it was when the neanderthal walked the earth....culturally and intellectually stunted. Poor beings...well you can take man out of the wild but you can't take the wild out of the man; i say. We are driven by basic desires. It's just we have found clever ways to get what we want! That is those who are 'fit' enough. Of course some of these instincts are 'suppressed'. They are seen as bad for the collective whereas others are praised but at the end of the day perhaps we are all just animals with fancy clothing.

Take for example the norms that governs how we interact with each other. In particular (and due to my recent exposure to young females habitants) the hunt for romance. When observing a social circle of men or women (for this purpose we will focus on the latter), it seems that if one member is attracted to, say, a particular and perhaps extremely good looking member of the opposite sex, this is seen as a declaration of ownership and a clear sign that this boy is Out. Of. Bounds.

Ok. So you are probably thinking well this is a good idea because two girls liking the same guy can only cause drama drama drama! Living with five other girls has more than reaffirmed that little bit of truth. So bonus points to the side that thinks we are not like animals. However isn't the 'forbidden fruit' rule a way for the most vocal and selfish to get what they want. Let's call it 'the dog pissing on the tree' or the cat staking out its territory. In one word...primitive!

In a way i can't help but laugh because it's in all aspect of our life. It's in the Oh my God, she's wearing the same dress as me. It's in the 'you can't date your friend's ex'. It's in the 'putting your friend down so that you might feel prettier or lovelier'. It's animal with a new branding. There are those that see the war paint and back off. These are 'the lucky few' that save themselves from potential friends drama but still classed as 'weak' for giving up what they truly desired. Shining less so as not to antagonize the tigress.

For those who do not take the humble bow - that is the occassions when a girlfriend will ditch the 'sisters before misters' pledge in favour of going for the same guy or object of pleasure or obsessions (sometimes that line is sooo blurry. sigh); allegiances is set yet fickle and battle lines are drawn in preparation for the 'cat fight'.

It might seem so crude to reduce it to those terms but when it comes down to it, we get animal on eachother when our interest are threatened. We behave irrationally. The fear prompts us to fight like creatures would do in the wild to settle 'differences'. It's just that now we have more sophisticated forms of warefare such as manipulation, demoralisation of the enemy, guerrilla warfare and darling once you are determined to destroy, the list is endless.

I can say from experience that living and fighting in this world has made me see things and ask these questions. I have seen allegiances fall like a house of cards in less time than it took to build them. I have seen the glittering edges of knives being polished for when backs are turned. I have seen looks not words that are knowing and speak things that the tongue dare not utter. Most of all i have lived in a world of flawed, irrational, scared, beings.

So really... how different are we?


Miss M said...

oddly enough I felt like our blogs could be linked through this entry and some of my recent ones.

It's a complicated situation. I've been the one to step aside in the past, but I've also been the one claiming territory(implying I'd cut a bitch if a line was crossed). I think we have to really think about why someone wants something.

Do I want this person because I know someone else does or do i want them because I do? If the former is the answer we need to stpe aside.

If the sisters before misters rule is broken it should be for love and nothing less.

It's too complicated, my mind is swimming.

Black Bird said...

you make a good point.
it should be for love but to be honest in these times it rarely is.

it was just strange being in this house and seeing all these behaviour that people attribute as human but really? it's just another form of primitive dressed up in different clothes.
thanks for your feedback :)